





米娅的英文 meer Mickey米奇 Aladdin 阿拉丁 皮诺曹 Pinocchio 小鹿班比 Bambi 花木兰 Mulan 小熊维尼 Winnie the Pooh Scrooge 史高志 donald duck 唐纳德 伊儿 Eeyore 美... 米娅的英文 meer Mickey米奇 Aladdin 阿拉丁 皮诺曹 Pinocchio 小鹿班比 Bambi 花木兰 Mulan 小熊维尼 Winnie the Pooh Scrooge 史高志 donald duck 唐纳德 伊儿 Eeyore 美... 阿德(Ed):已知愚蠢的鬣狗。 木法沙(Mufasa):当前的荣耀石狮子王。 娜娜(Nala):辛巴的朋友。 彭彭(Pumbaa):一只满意的小猪,丁满的朋友。 拉飞奇(Rafiki... 木...

你敢不敢在泥里打滚 你敢不敢跪着走三公里 你敢不敢疯子样的喊叫 你敢不敢喜欢Mary Lou 你敢不敢爬上桌子 你敢不敢去挑战佐罗 你敢不敢接吻 你敢不敢捉飞虫 告诉我你真的敢... 你敢不敢在泥里打滚你敢不敢跪着走三公里你敢不敢疯子样的喊叫你敢不敢喜欢Mary Lou 你敢不敢爬上桌子你敢不敢去挑战佐罗你敢不敢接吻你敢不敢捉飞虫告诉我你真的敢... 你敢不敢跪着走三公里你敢不敢疯子样的喊叫你敢不敢喜欢Mary Lou 你敢不敢爬上桌子你敢不敢去挑战佐罗你敢不敢接吻你敢不敢捉飞虫告诉我你真的敢么我藏了真...

When you wish upon a star 当你对着星星许愿 Makes no difference who you are 你是谁并没有区别 Anything your heart desires will come to you 你所期望的任何事物 都会... When you wish upon a star 当你对着星星许愿 Your dreams come true 你的梦想会变为现实 Pretty, huh? 很动听吧? I'll bet a lot of you folks don't believe that 我敢打... 那些充满爱意的人们 The sweet fulfillment 满足渴望秘密的 Of their secret longing 甜蜜感觉 Like a boat out of the blue 就同突如而来的霹雳一般 Fate steps i...

Theonewholiedis"Pinocchio" TheliarcalledPinocchio.

1.for the worlds more full of weeping than you can understand 世人皆悲哀,你不会明白。 quest will be perilous yet the reward is beyond price 为爱走天涯,... 不要那么走。很多人 。和所有的人都保持距离。除了一个像你的人,只有米查是安全可靠的。 8.You won't understand the reasons but I have to leave you here. 你不会明白原... Now, look. Take this, alright? Don't let anyone see how much it is. Look. Don't go that way. Go anywhere but that way or they'll catch you. Don't ever let t...

第一部《奇迹男孩》 电影讲述的是一位脸部有缺陷的男孩奥吉在家人的帮助下,克服内心的恐惧和自卑。成功过上一个普通小孩生活的故事。 这部电影非常适合全家人一起看,孩子... 1、《阿甘正传》(Forrest Gump) 2、《肖申克的救赎》(The Shawshank Redemption) 3、《放牛班的春天》(Les Choristes) 4、《海上钢琴师》(The Legend of 1900) 5、《心... 7、Peter Pan,小飞侠。 8、Sleeping Beauty,睡美人。 9、101 Dalmatians,101忠狗。 10、The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh,小熊维尼历险记。 6、Alice in Wonderla...

Shrek:Quick tell a lie! 史莱克:快点撒一个谎! Pinocchio:What should I say? 皮诺曹:我该说什么? Donkey:Say something “I'm wearing ladies' underwear!... 史莱克:快点撒一个谎! Pinocchio:What should I say? 皮诺曹:我该说什么? Donkey:Say something “I'm wearing ladies' underwear!”. 驴子:说一些疯狂的事... Pinocchio:What should I say? 皮诺曹:我该说什么? Donkey:Say something “I'm wearing ladies' underwear!”. 驴子:说一些疯狂的事情...像"我正穿着...

The book that I like best is Pinocchio.When I was a schoolboy,I didn't like to go to school.I didn't like doing my homework everyday.Sometimes I lied.The reason... The book that I like best is Pinocchio.When I was a schoolboy,I didn't like to go to school.I didn't like doing my homework everyday.Sometimes I lied.The reason... book that I like best is Pinocchio.When I was a schoolboy,I didn't like to go to school.I didn't like doing my homework everyday.Sometimes I lied.The ...

AF4TOT 网友(121.76.117.*) 2018-08-09

While I admire Disney's animation (and am looking forward to their Hamlet-ish The Lion King), I usually gripe about the changes they make in their movies from t... While I admire Disney's animation (and am looking forward to their Hamlet-ish The Lion King), I usually gripe about the changes they make in their movies from t... I admire Disney's animation (and am looking forward to their Hamlet-ish The Lion King), I usually gripe about the changes they make in their movies from...


pi no key o



1、是那种当在冬天放置一个熊熊燃烧的壁炉就可以让冰冷的房间变的舒适的方式。 2。这不是一个关于一个伟大而勇敢的国王的故事小家伙们。

1Thekindthatmakescoldroomscozierwhenplacedintoroaringfireplacesinthewinter2Thisisnotastoryaoutagreatandravekinglittleones 1The kind that makes cold rooms cozier when placed into roaring fireplaces in the winter 2This is not a story aout a great and rave kinglittle ones 展开


Pinocchio nnsp童话中的主角电影木偶奇遇记




匹诺曹迪士尼动画片主人公又称为木偶奇遇记 望对您有用。谢谢。


没有scoupio这个单词只有Scorpio Scorpio英 712sk596pi601650 美 712sk596rpio650 第三人称复数Scorpios Scorpio 基本解释 名词天天蝎座天蝎宫 出生于天蝎座的人 Scorpio 双语例句 1 Romantically with Venus in fellow water sign Scorpio your cha


Chopin百度翻译Chopin英ʃəʊpæn pæŋ美ʃoʊpænˌ pæŋn肖邦波兰作曲家钢琴家18101849例句She played a Chopin waltz as an encore她应听众的要求又加演了一首肖邦的圆舞曲

pichic 音标



Pinocchio想起蓝衣仙女蓝妮对他说的话。他自言自语道“爸爸现在我能证明自己等待着一些事情发生”接着他就睡着了 第二天早上pinocchio跑下楼梯挥着手跳起来喊道看爸爸我是个真正的男孩


n 1nsp地名 巴拿马、美国、墨西哥、尼加拉瓜、西班牙 皮卡乔
