





use your head


1what letter is a drink2what letter is a question3what is always coming ut never arrives

什么you stand on your head

Can you stand on your head 你会倒立吗

请问这是什么歌 in your heart in your hand

The Cranerries 的 Zomie Another head hangs lowly Child is slowly taken And the violence caused such silence Who are we mistaken But You see it39s not me It s not my family In your headin your head They are fighting With their tanks and their oms And their oms and th

歌词有“feel the sunshine in your heart in your hand” 男的唱的 比较轻快

求一首歌纯DJ的那种 里面一女声in your head in your head

酷狗里搜Zomie 要DJ版就搜Zomie dj就行了 里面有很多DJ版的remix版的 在听DJ版更有激情点

我不是说那Zomie的原版 DJ版的 应该有好几个版本有听过的都发来吧 谢谢了

有一首英文歌我很想找到我记得其中连续唱了2遍in your head其他的

Zomie 歌手The Cranerries 专辑no need to argue Another head hangs lowly Child is slowly taken And the violence caused such silence Who are we mistaken But You see it39s not me It s not my family In your headin your head They are fighting With their tanks and their oms And



My happy ending 前奏是架子鼓吧你去听听也好。最好是潘辰的有点摇滚气息

刚开始的时候是大鼓一直打 后来是rap节奏感很强 一直找不到感觉很好听 很想再听一遍帮帮忙我会加分的

Hole In The Head 歌词

re in my face sorry what39s your name Takes more than egging to reverse my rain 39cos Ooh won39t you miss me like a hole in the head Because I do oy And it39s cool oy And ooh et you never thought I39d get out of ed Because of you oy Such a fool oy I


一个人的时候 不是不想你 一个人的时候 只是怕想你 一个人的时候 如果下起了雨 也会学你把伞丢到一边 七月份的尾巴 你是狮子座 八月份的前奏 你是狮子座 相遇的时候 如果是个意外 离别的时候意外的看不开 死性不改偏偏不敢用力的去爱 短发女人也可以性感和可爱 人山又人海别错

touchyourhead是什么歌 touchyourhead是什么歌 展开

求一首男生唱的英文歌 前奏是吉他弹的 后面是鼓打的 唱起来的时候

感觉像i39m yours有点男巫的风格但是不是最近两三年的

求一首男生唱的英文歌前奏是吉他弹的后面是鼓打的唱起来的时候节奏感特别强是最近两三年的歌好像是格莱美提名的歌曲 求一首男生唱的英文歌 前奏是吉他弹的 后面是鼓打的 唱起来的时候节奏感特别强 是最近两三年的歌 好像是格莱美提名的歌曲 展开

有谁知道有一首英文歌曲很摇滚歌词主要是in your heart

the cranerries的zomie another head hangs lowly child is slowly taken and the violence caused such silence who are we mistaken ut you see it39s not me it s not my family in your headin your head they are fighting with their tanks and their oms and their oms and their guns in y

