





特斯拉CEO马斯克又语出惊人,引发公司股价盘中跳水,特斯拉CEO马斯克又语出惊人,引发公司股价盘中跳水 。 美东时间周五美股早盘,马斯克在社交媒体接连发帖称,“特斯拉股... Wedbush的Dan Ives就认为,市场不必过度解读马斯克的言论:Wedbush的Dan Ives就认为,市场不必过度解读马斯克的言论: 我们认为这些评论就是马斯克在自说自话,这就是他的... 从理论上讲,到2023年,特斯拉将建成加州的弗里蒙特工厂,加上新投产不久的上海超级工厂以及德国勃兰登堡工厂的产能,届时将具备年产100万辆汽车的能力。 以特斯拉第一季度... 从...

美国联邦证券管理委员会已经联系特斯拉,调查马斯克声明的真实性,以及为什么通过推特披露,而不是定期的申报渠道? 对于高负债、持续亏损、现金流为负的特斯拉而言,私有... 对于高负债、持续亏损、现金流为负的特斯拉而言,私有化操作必将引入战略投资者。 现在,全世界都在盯着,这个投资者是谁?(完) 在前段时间,Tesla为了让其明星电动车Model 3实现每周5000辆的量产目标,工厂马力全开,甚至“搭棚造车”,终于在Q2季度末勉强实现了预定目标,但这也让Tesla CEO Elon Mus... Elon Musk早前在推特上发表了这一消息,他准备以4...

用pi币,马斯克早就在暗中布局pi了,他生产的一款酒的瓶子包装就是派的闪电,还有准备卖的一款特斯拉手机就有pi的圆周率标志,绝对不是巧合[赞][赞] 用pi币,马斯克早就在暗中布局pi了,他生产的一款酒的瓶子包装就是派的闪电,还有准备卖的一款特斯拉手机就有pi的圆周率标志,绝对不是巧合[赞][赞] 狗狗币,还用合计么,马斯克周六被灰度严重打脸,反手投票特斯拉是否接受狗狗币支付,今天发推,正在和狗狗极速人员研究交易速度问题, 无论特斯拉添加什么加密数字币支付,不过都是马斯克割币圈韭菜的工具而已 。如果再看到马斯克给...

这段时间特斯拉的利好消息不少,位于中国上海的特斯拉超级工厂已经开工,产能也不断提升了,去年底的财报也显示特斯拉盈利了,一切都很好,直到马斯克再次因为大嘴惹祸。此... 这段时间特斯拉的利好消息不少,位于中国上海的特斯拉超级工厂已经开工,产能也不断提升了,去年底的财报也显示特斯拉盈利了,一切都很好,直到马斯克再次因为大嘴惹祸。此... 此前他在推特上发表消息称特斯拉的产能达到了每年50万台,随后又修正说今年交付的汽车数量依然是40万台左右,50万是指年底达到的产能水平。这跟去年的私有化推特类似,先曝......

在应对全球危机方面,马斯克已经取得了一些实际成果。2014年美国密歇根州弗林特市(Flint)因供水方式变化导致饮用水铅含量严重超标,马斯克向该市居民提供了帮助,包括在... 纽约市市比尔·德布拉西奥(Bill de Blasio)在一条推文中告诉马斯克:“我们需要尽快呼吸机”,并将直接伸出援手,马斯克对此回应说,他将与德布拉西奥对话,以“了解潜在... ” 纽约市市比尔·德布拉西奥(Bill de Blasio)在一条推文中告诉马斯克:“我们需要尽快呼吸机”,并将直接伸出援手,马斯克对此回应说,他将与德布拉西奥对话,以“了解潜... 马斯克...

2023年11月4日,马斯克的人工智能公司xAI宣布推出其首款产品Grok——一款对标ChatGPT的聊天机器人。 与其他ChatGPT类产品不同,Grok可以实时从推文中获取最新知识,比如马... 2023年11月4日,马斯克的人工智能公司xAI宣布推出其首款产品Grok——一款对标ChatGPT的聊天机器人。 与其他ChatGPT类产品不同,Grok可以实时从推文中获取最新知识,比如马...

特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)周一发推文称,特斯拉将向遭受加州停电影响的人们提供太阳能电池板和电池的折扣。自10月25日以来,由于公用事业公司试图防止其... 特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)周一发推文称,特斯拉将向遭受加州停电影响的人们提供太阳能电池板和电池的折扣。自10月25日以来,由于公用事业公司试图防止其...

马斯克曾大赞中国微信很方便,他称收购推特,就是想复制中国的微信模式。 首先马斯克想把推特复制成微信,但推特的模式与微信差别很大。 马斯克认为美国没有一款像中国微信... 马斯克曾大赞中国微信很方便,他称收购推特,就是想复制中国的微信模式。 首先马斯克想把推特复制成微信,但推特的模式与微信差别很大。 马斯克认为美国没有一款像中国微信... 在推特上,马斯克是一个充满魅力、创新、冒险和挑战的科技领袖,他的每一条推文都能引发人们的好奇和敬佩 。而在微信上,马斯克是一个相对陌生、沉默、保守和谨慎的商业人士...

特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)澄清说,位于Model 3后视镜上方的摄像头可以让汽车最终能够作为自动驾驶出租车工作。 “当我们开始与Uber / Lyft竞争时,它就在... 特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)澄清说,位于Model 3后视镜上方的摄像头可以让汽车最终能够作为自动驾驶出租车工作。 “当我们开始与Uber / Lyft竞争时,它就在... “当我们开始与Uber / Lyft竞争时,它就在那里,”首席执行官在Twitter上写道,并回应有人提出的隐私问题。“如果有人弄坏了你的车,你可以查看视频。”这还可以增强汽车... ...

怪不得他这么聪明,混血。说自己可能有中国血统,起码对中国有一定好感和认同,是正面的 怪不得他这么聪明,混血。说自己可能有中国血统,起码对中国有一定好感和认同,是正面的 你就算100%中国血统只要国籍不是中国,对我们来说和其他外国人没啥区别 美国人不可信,不可靠!他只是看上了中国的钱💰!


截止2023年7月26日这款软件没有卖给马斯克。 2022年马斯克收购的是推特从四月开始到十月底结束耗时半年全球科技史的收世键团亮埋购案又多出一桩完成案 。美东时间10月28日推特向SEC美国证券交易委员会提交的文件显示10月27日推特与埃隆马斯克控制公司X Holdings


eragon剑zar39roc官方证实牌51quot51quot整体叶片的材料 红葡萄酒不锈钢叶片处理固体金属龙卫队与模拟蓝板蓝宝石pommel包括 皮革包裹剑鞘定制木展示奖牌和证书真伪价格已降低 定制一块最新和最准确的版本在市场上

ERAGONSWORDOFZAR039ROCOFFICIALLICENSEDCERTIFIED51quot51quotOverallBladeMaterialWineredstainlesssteelladeHandleSolidmetaldragonguardwithsimulatedluesapphiregempommelIncludesLe ERAGON SWORD OF ZAR39ROC OFFICIAL LICENSED CERTIFIED 51quot 51quot Overall Blade Material Wine red stainless steel lade Handle Solid metal dragon guard with simulated lue sapphire gem pommel Includes Leather wrapped scaard custom wood display plaque and certificate of authenticity Prices have een slashed Custom made piece The latest and most accurate version on the market 翻译出来 展开




翻译 文章


most american children eat potatoes ut many children do not konw what part of the potato the est for food is take a knife and cut from the middle of the potato a piece as him as paper hold the piece etween your eyes and light youll see that the potato has skin under the skin of the potato is the most valuale part of all ut this is often rim which is right under the skin of the potato is the most valuale part of all ut this is often thrown away with the skin even the skin itself is etter for food than the inside when eating a cooked potato if you choose the inside and leve the outside you are throwing the est part of it if you can nit eat the whole potato eating the ourside rim and leaving the inside part。 可能会打错翻译的对一些。

乾坤未定你我皆是黑马乾坤已定你我扭转乾坤 翻译



Barry Tan是一个非常成功的商人。他住在大房子里开着大的车 。穿昂贵的衣服在著名的饭店里用餐。他的名字经常出现在报端。一天一位报社记者问他“你成功的秘诀是什么” Barry想了 片刻然后说“我吃一种很特别的鱼。”“你吃一种很特别的鱼”记者说“怎么样”“吃那

Barry Tan was a very successful usinessman He lived in a large house and drove a ig car He wore expensive clothes and ate his meals in famous restaurants His name was often in the One day a newspaper reporter asked him “What’s the secret of your successs”Barry thought for a few moments and then said “I eat a special kind of fish”“You eat a special kind of fish” The reporter said “What does that do”“It makes my rain worker etter” Barry said“What kind of fish is it ” the reporter asked“Give me fifty dollars and come ack tomorrow I’ll have some for you”The reporter gave Barry fifty dollars and returned the next day“Have you got my special fish” she asked“Yes Come into the house It in the fridge”Barry took the reporter into his kitchen He opened his fridge and took out a very small fish “Here you eat this for your dinner”The next day the reporter called on Barry again“Did you eat the fish” Barry asked her“Yes I fried it”“Good Do you feel different today”“No I don’t And I think that fifty dollars was a lot to pay for such a small fish”“Well done” Barry said “You see the fish is working You are using your rain now”





每一样东西背后都有一个故事即使是最普通的东西都可以刻画出一个动人的画面 。有时就因为这些东西不起眼所以它们才如此不寻常。正如在阿拉斯加博物馆展览的一只旧的皮鞋就是一个例子。乍眼一看它并没有什么特别就是1890年代流行的女装皮鞋款式可是独特之处就是在于

Every oject tells a story Even the most ordinary ojects can present to us powerful images Sometimes it is the ordinary nature of these ojects that actually makes them so unusual Such is the case with an old leather皮革的 shoe in a museum in Alaska At first glance it does not look like much It is a woman’s shoe of a style popular in the 1890s But what is unique独特的 aout this shoe is where it was found It was discovered on the Checkout Pass the famous trail used y the people seeking gold in Alaska Who it elonged to or why it was left there is not known Was it perhaps dropped y accident as the woman climed up the 1500 stairs carved outface Or did she throw away goods that she didn’t need in order to travel lighter Over 100 000 people with “gold fever” made this trip hoping to ecome rich Few of them understood that on their way they would have to cross a harsh wildness Unprepared for such a dangerous journey many died of hunger and exposure to the cold weather The Canadian government finally started requiring the gold seekers to ring one ton of supplies with them This was thought to e enough for a person to survive for one year They would carry their supplies in ackpacks each weighing up to fifty pounds it usually took at least 40 trips to get everything to the top and over the pass Whoever dropped the shoe must have een a rave and determined woman Perhaps she was successful and made it to Alaska Perhaps she had to turn ack in defeat No one will ever know for sure ut what we do know is that she took part in one of the greatest adventures in the 19th century


News in translation



You have heard of Wester ToysWesters have made goodsafeinteresting toys for more than a hundred yearsNowwe sell themand children play with them in countries from New Zealand to Norwayand from Japan to BrazilWe are looking for someone to sell our toys in the Far EastHe or she will e etween the ages of thirty and fortyHe will already have some years of selling in world markets ehind himHe will speak good English and at least one other language of the Far EastThe person we are looking for will live in Singapore and work in our office there ut he will travel for up to six months in any one yearHe will know how sell in old markets and where to find new onesHe will understand money and make more money than ever eforefor himselfand for Wester ToysWesters want someone who can stand on his own feetIf you think you are the person we are looking forwrite to Mr J Sloman at our head officeWester Toys LtdChurch Mill WatfordHerts WD 36HE