






截止2023年7月26日这款软件没有卖给马斯克。 2022年马斯克收购的是推特从四月开始到十月底结束耗时半年全球科技史的收世键团亮埋购案又多出一桩完成案。美东时间10月28日推特向SEC美国证券交易委员会提交的文件显示10月27日推特与埃隆马斯克控制公司X Holdings








最近华尔街日报披露了 Faceook 可能的巨额IPO除了资本方面的问题这则消息还应该引起创业者的关注。为什么因为 Faceook 的IPO可能引起更大规模的收购更多对科技创业项目的支持以及资本的宽容度提高。 1、早期 Faceook 的雇员将带着经验和资金占领创业界 Faceook





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Investors soon will e ale to own shares of Faceook stock The world

试题答案 小题1D 小题2D 小题3B 小题4A

试题难度难度中档 试题类型阅读理解 试题内容Investors soon will e ale to own shares of Faceook stock The world’s iggest social media network presented documents to the Securities and Exchange Commission on Wednesday The documents are required efore the company can make its initial pulic offering首次公开募股or IPO A date for the stock sale has yet to e announced Experts say Faceook could raise aout five illion dollars That would e one of the iggest IPO sales ever And it would e much igger than Google’s first pulic stock sale in 2004 At that time the Internet search company raised almost two illion dollars Faceook has 800 million users around the world It is the second most visited wesite after Google Now experts say the social media network is in a position to ecome one of the most valuale Internet companies Stock expert Anupam Palit at Greencrest Capital says that among social media sites Faceook is in a class y itself “It is the iggest company in this space and we elieve what makes it very unique from every other company that went pulic last year in this space is that it is very very profitale” said Anupam Palit Early estimates place the total value of the social network etween 75 and 100 illion dollars That includes earlier investments y other companies David Kirkpatrick wrote the ook The Faceook Effect He says Faceook’s IPO will e historic The stock sale could also make Faceook founder Mark Zuckererg one of the world’s youngest illionaires He is only 27 Investment companies are likely to uy Faceook stock first But investment manager Jim O’Shaugnessy says that is not so ad He says the prices of some IPO stocks are too high and fall not long after they first go on sale Recently share prices of some Internet usinesses have fallen after their stocks were first offered For example stocks of Linkedln Groupon and Zynga dropped in price y as much as 25 after going pulic There were similar questions eight years ago when Google first sold stock to the pulic Today Google is one of the world’s most valuale technology companies 小题1Which of the following is true aout GoogleAGoogle’s first pulic stock sale egan in 2005BGoogle is the world’s most valuale companyCGoogle’s share price rose after its stock was first offeredDGoogle raised almost two illion dollars from its first pulic stock sale小题2According to the passage we can know Faceook Ahas 800 million users in the USABhas announced the date for its first stock saleCis the most visited wesite todayDis the world’s iggest social media network小题3We can infer from the passage that AFaceook stock is eing sold very wellBMark Zuckererg will get much money from the stock saleCMark Zuckererg was only 27 when Faceook was foundedDinvestment companies have ought many Faceook shares小题4Which would e the est title for this passageAFaceook and Its IPOBThe Difference Between Faceook and GoogleCThe Founder of FaceookDA Book Called The Faceook Effect


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