





谁有阿黛尔 rolling in the deep中文版歌词啊就是用白字写的歌词因为

rolling in the deep 眼泪快要掉下来内心深处爱恨交织Bay I have no story to e told 宝贝 我没有故事可讲But I39ve heard one on you and I39m gonna make your head urn 但是我听说了一件有关你的事情 我会让你焦头烂额Think of me in the depths of your despair 在绝望的深渊

哪位大师能给我阿黛尔 rolling in the deep歌词中文谐音啊谢了急急急

k咪 thinking ze为 奥某塞体奥 the卡 so your了ze 厘米 reathless I这个音必须完整的读出来“不ruai死莱丝”且“I”要紧跟着读下边同这里一样 这里的quotIquot在上一句读了出来看好feeling 卫哭的海底 奥 奥林in the 肚吾吾 友 海卖好挺 赛地 your汗 饿木陪体 吐the比 ay i ha

阿黛尔的Rolling in the Deep歌词翻译

rolling in the deep 眼泪快要掉下来内心深处爱恨交织 Bay I have no story to e told 宝贝我没有故事可讲 But Ive heard one on you and Im gonna make your head urn 但是我听说了一件有关你的事情我会让你焦头烂额 Think of me in the depths of your despair 在绝望的深渊中想起我




rolling in the deep歌词

To the eat Rolling in the deep 你玩弄感情 眼泪滑落 随心所欲地 在深处翻滚 Bay I have no story to e told 宝贝我没有故事可讲 But Ive heard one of you and Im gonna make your head urn 但我听说了你的我要以牙还牙 Think of me in the depths of your despair 在你的极度绝望的时

我看过网上大多数的翻译要不太生硬要不太文言文。。我要一个最接近英语口语的翻译 我看过网上大多数的翻译要不太生硬要不太文言文 。。我要一个最接近英语口语的翻译 展开

rolling in the deep歌词

Rolling in the Deep 黑暗翻滚 Your had my heart Inside of your hands 曾我捏手 And you played it To the eat 玩弄 Bay I have no story to e told 宝贝我已说 But I39ve heard one of you and I39m gonna make your head urn 我知道思绪缠绕着 Think of me in the depths of your des

Your had my heart Inside of your hands 百度百科 所视频字幕看句歌词第词YOUR YOU

阿黛尔 Rolling in the Deep 古诗词版翻译 歌词

Rolling in the Deep望尽天涯飘零处 There39s a fire starting in my heart 情不知所往恨不知深长 Reaching a fever pitch and it39s ringing me out the dark 花日春短秋悲凉温酒竹玉话沧桑 Finally I can see you crystal clear 过尽千帆离人泪始知烟雨成浪消得衷肠 Go ahead and sell m


rolling in the deep歌词

歌词 There39s a fire starting in my heart 我心中燃起了一股火焰 Reaching a fever pitch and it39s ringing me out the dark 那温度将我从 t help feeling 我甚至已失去知觉 We could have had it all 我们本应幸福的 Rolling in the Deep 在黑暗中翻滚 Your had my heart Inside of your

Rolling in the deep 歌词

Rolling in the Deep 演唱黄鹤 There39s a fire starting in my heart Reaching a fever pitch it39s ringing me out the dark Finally I can see you crystal clear Go head and sell me out and I39ll lay your shit are The scars of your love remind me of us They keep me thinking that we almo

Rolling in the deep的歌词

t help feeling We could have had it all Rolling in the Deep Your had my heart Inside of your hand And you played it To the eat Rolling in the deep Bay I have no story to e told But I39ve heard one of you and I39m gonna make your head urn Think of me in the depths of your despair
