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Michael Joseph Jackson August 29 1958 – June 25 2009 was an American recording artist dancer singersongwriter musician and philanthropist Referred to as the King of Pop Jackson is recognized as the most successful entertainer of all time y Guinness World Records His con

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印尼语、越南语、中文简体 、中文繁体等。支持的alpha语言为阿塞拜疆语、巴斯克语、高棉语、格鲁吉亚语、古吉拉特语、海地克里奥尔语、卡纳达语、拉丁语、马拉地语、孟加拉语、苗语、宿务语、泰卢固语、泰米尔语等 。参考资料来源谷歌在线翻译网谷歌翻译 百度百科谷歌


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印尼语、越南语、中文简体、中文繁体等 。支持的alpha语言为阿塞拜疆语、巴斯克语 、高棉语、格鲁吉亚语、古吉拉特语、海地克里奥尔语、卡纳达语、拉丁语 、马拉地语、孟加拉语、苗语、宿务语 、泰卢固语、泰米尔语等。参考资料来源谷歌在线翻译网谷歌翻译 百度百科谷歌



Studying English makes me feel very happy as the whole world has the common language which makes our communication so easier that the world likes a family which gathers our hearts closer

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全球范围内对于跨国与跨产业非关税贸易壁垒的研究和分析存在着缺失这是有充分原因的。 在非关税贸易壁垒这一统一称谓下集合了大量对正常贸易存在潜在威胁的政策工具。作为贸易管制措施编码系统联合国贸发会议非关税贸易壁垒分类数据库可以对六大类一百多种此类政策工

There are good reasons why gloal analysis of NTBs across sectors and countries is missing Under a common denomination NTBs regroup a vast array of potentially trade distorting policy instruments The UNCTAD classification of NTBs the Trade Control Measures Coding System identifies at its most detailed level over 100 instruments grouped in six categories Unlike tariffsNTBs are not straightforwardly quantifiale not necessarily easy to model and information aout them is hard to collect It should therefore e no surprise that the modelling of NTBs using general equilirium modelling techniques is still in its early stages Except for susidies in agriculture little general equilirium work has een carried out on addressing the economics of NTBs either theoretically or empirically The study of NTBs creates sizeale challenges for an empirical exercise that relies on vast and gloally coherent datasets and very often on strong assumptions This means that ex ante we know relatively little of the costs and enefits of NTBs Thanks to advances in computer and simulation technology such as GTAP Hertel 1997and efforts to improve data collection and availaility TRAINS eing a leading example CGEsimulations of tariff reductions can nowalmost routinely e carried out General equilirium modelling has played an important role in the WTO multilateral negotiations helping assess complex negotiation modalities and gloal interdependencies eg Harrison Tarr Rutherford 1996Francois van Meijl van Tongeren 2005 Anderson Martin van der Mensrugghe 2006Polaski 2006 ut also fuelling a pulic deate on the direction and magnitude of estimatesThe same cannot e said of NTBs we therefore propose in this paper to shift the discussion of modelling issues from tariffs to NTBs We hope to contriute to the limited ody of literature on CGE simulations of NTBs y testing various approaches to modelling of gloal NTB To our knowledge this work is the first to offer a truly gloal and detailed assessmentof NTBs in a CGE model using recent econometric estimates of NTBs ad valorem equivalentsAVEs computed y Kee Nicita and Olarreaga 2006 We follow the path opened y the work of Andriamananjara et al 2004 ut which was limited to a suset of sectors