






英文版 20090304 222825 v 英文剧本 Legend of phoenix 20070906 213603 v 英文电影剧本 Harry Potter and the Chamer of Secrets 20070906 213500 v 英语短剧剧本The Pocket Money 20070630 104831 v 英语小品剧本 孙悟空vs猪八戒 20070330 120358 v 孔雀东南飞

5人左右 最好是5人要初中 高中水准


三个懒汉 The Three Lazy OnesA king had three sons whom he loved equally well and he did not know which of them to appoint as king following his own death When the time came for him to die he called them to his ed and said “Dear children I have thought of something that I will rev

要搞笑一点的尽量控制在8分钟以内 要搞笑一点的尽量控制在8分钟以内 展开


Skipping Class 6人剧本。逃课绝对适合学生的剧本讲述逃课的故事。 Cast Anita Never understands why students like to skip classes Kevin Treats “skipping classes” as the principle of university life Ken Eager to skip classes ut dares not to do it Jason Always commits him

大概要6个人的不要太难的高中水平就可题材可以随便但要有主题急用哦谢谢了 大概要6个人的 不要太难的 高中水平就可 题材可以随便 但要有主题 急用哦 谢谢了 展开


Long long ago there lived a man who was always orrowing money from others ut never returnedHis name was Jack So everyone did not like him at alleven did not want to meet him Now the story is eginningHe knocks at Mr Smiths39door again In his heart Mr Smiths is his est f

要求一个英语故事剧本急急急急要高中水平500词 要求一个英语故事剧本 急急急急 要高中水平 500词 展开


a long agothere was a huge apple tree a little oy love to come and play around it everydayhe climed to the tree topate the applestook a nap under the shadow…he loved the tree and the tree loved to play with himtime went y…the little oy had grown up and he no longer played around

11主题是唉的考验 关于恋爱的也好很急啊 要求是5个人的 没人五句对白就好 不需要特别长 哪个大虾帮忙啊 有加分啊





英语短剧小兔子乖乖人物Little DuckMiss Cat Miss RaitMr Dog旁白Little Duck要去看望外婆。一路上他又唱又跳高兴极了。在小河边他碰到了Miss Cat。Duck很好奇HelloMiss CatWhatre you doingCat急得抓耳挠腮HelloLittle DuckTheres a ig fish in the riverIm hungryut


英语短剧The Tortoise and the Hare龟兔赛跑 旁白Good morning everyone Now I will tell you a story aout Mr Tortoise and Miss Hare In a very ig forest there lives many different kinds of animals like monkeys chicks a Hare and an honest Tortoise Miss Hare is very proud of her long

人数较多台词简单 人数较多 台词简单 展开


S kneel down AOBAi严厉的表情 AO pardon Sdo you have reakfast do you need some water to eatand some food to drink Mr AO害怕 AOenNO不屑一顾dear emperor whats the matter Eoh no no everything goes wellyou know you can kill anyone so easy So Shal



An English play Pig Guy has een defeated y Monkey King 悟空师傅是不是太累了休息一下再走吧。 Master are you tired Let’s have a rest 唐僧没关系前面不远就有人家了到了那里再休息吧。 I am fine Let’s have a rest later Look There is a house over there 悟空仔
