






Bladerunner Screenshot Analysis PPT httpwwwnetkellimcgrawladerunnerscreenshotanalysispresentation

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电影简介 英语

No Country for Old Men老无所依 When a Vietnam veteran discovers two million dollars while wandering through the aftermath of a Texas drug deal gone horrily awry his decision to ascond with the cash sets off a violent chain reaction in a strippeddown crime drama from Joel and Ethan

我是高中生要自己写拜托给几个参考的最好是经典的电影或者是最新的电影字数在120以上的 我是高中生要自己写拜托给几个参考的最好是经典的电影或者是最新的电影 字数在120以上的 展开


1真的没有。 他是孤单的室友是他自己大脑虚构的 2是的都是幻觉。 影片拍得真假难辨就是想给你主人公的感受表现出主人公的精神世界。 3不是 一样的拍摄视角是从主角出发的医生是间谍只是主角的加以幻想 4他不想吃药他不想承认自己有病但是那种药有没有副作用谁也不

关于电影美丽心灵问几个问题 1纳会真的没有室友吗 2纳什没有为美国人工作吗那一切都是幻觉吗 3给纳什治疗的医生是间谍吗 4纳什吃的药是不是对他自己不好要不为什么他会说这些药阻止他工作妨碍了他对妻子性方面的回应


A Beautiful Mind斜着写 tells us an amazing story Its aout love and accompany Its also a film that everyone ever seen can enefit a lotThe hero is a genuisut sadly he was declared insane and couldnt finish his workBut his wife didnt give up And due to her kindness and companyhe


特洛伊电影英文简介 这是内容简介 It is the year 1250 BC during the late Bronze age Two emerging nations egin to clash after Paris the Trojan prince convinces Helen Queen of Sparta to leave her husand Menelaus and sail with him ack to Troy After Menelaus finds out that his wi

经典电影英文英文简介。2篇每篇300词 。老师布置的用来参考


Matthew Broderick as the adult Sima and James Earl Jones and Madge Sinclair as the King and Queen Theres no denying that viewed from start to finish this is a wonderful movie experience and certainly one of Disneys finest hourandahalves The jawdropping ackdrops would comple



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那位大侠有“美丽心灵”的所有英文台词 有的可以发我邮箱“1058867406qqcom”谢谢啊

电影美丽心灵最后的颁奖独白。 中英文版的 谢谢 如果有视频链接

前晚电影频道像演主持解读段独白含义电影切归功于情再伟周围社文环境能包容难取伟没妻理解关怀纳能拿诺贝尔经济奖面台词供参考 诺贝尔颁奖礼纳 Nash Thank you Ive always elieved in numers in the equations and logics that lead to reason But after a lifetime of such pursuits I a

主演 拉塞尔 克劳 詹妮弗 康纳利

电影 介绍 英文版


我想知道电影飞屋环游记的英文剧情简介不少于800字。在线等 我想知道电影飞屋环游记的英文剧情简介不少于800字。在线等 展开


给你三个英文简介你看哪一个好 1In 1930s Italy a carefree Jewish ook keeper named Guido starts a fairy tale life y courting and marrying a lovely woman from a neary city Guido and his wife have a son and live happily together until the occupation of Italy y German forces In an atte
