





谁知道 维基百科 说一下



Wiki概念的发明人是Ward CunninghamWikiWiki一词来源于夏威夷语的“wee kee wee kee”原本是“快点快点”quick的意思。简单的可以解释为一种多人协作的写作工具。Wiki站点可以有多人甚至任何访问者维护每个人都可以发表自己的意见或者对共同的主题进行扩展或者探





Java Wikipedia API 092 API详细介绍在如下网址httpjwplcomsvntagsdetudarmstadtukpwikipedia092apidocsAPI092indexhtml 怎样用java实现比如关键词是中国然后显示出维基百科关于中国的网址链接




就是一个百科全书式的网站 有点类似于“中国的辞海”或英国的“大百科全书” 任何名词 事物 等都可以到维基百科去搜索 有详细解释 用户也可以向维基百科添加新词条


在Google 搜索 wikileaks第一个。

基维百科 是哪里的资源

维基百科是一个自由的百科任何人都可以完善他的内容。而且那里发言自由内容丰富有多种语言版本。有些此条会有相应的多个语言版本但这些版本一般不是直接翻译的 。据我所知国内是上不了维基的你在国外吗 还是说现在维基在国内也可以上了如果是能上了那太好了。


Wikipedia The Online Know

答案 小题1A 小题2B 小题3C 答案解析试题分析文章大意这篇短文主要介绍了维基百科的主要内容及相关的各种问题。 小题1A细节理解题 。文章的第一段联系下文This online encyclopedia百科全书 is written y thousands of people around the world及文章最

Wikipedia The Online KnowItAll If you want to find out a piece of information aout anything the est place to search for it is Wikipedia The name “Wikipedia” is from the Hawaiian word wiki meaning “quick” This online encyclopedia 百科全书 is written y thousands of people around the world Anyone with Internet access can write add or make changes to Wikipedia articles if he or she finds it incorrect or not well written In this way people who know a lot aout a certain suject can write aout it even if they are not university professors But contriutions cannot damage Wikipedia ecause many experienced editors are watching pages and techies 技术专家 can write editing programs to keep track of or correct ad edits Where there are disagreements on how to present facts editors work together to arrive at an article that fairly represents current expert opinion on the suject Wikipedia is quite different from paperased reference sources in important ways Unlike printed encyclopedias it is continually created and updated with articles on historic events appearing within minutes rather than months or years What’s more Wikipedia includes articles written in aout 285 languages This fact makes it one of the few wesites on the Internet that are truly international It was started in 2001 y Larry Sanger and Jimmy Wales as a free online Englishlanguage encyclopedia project Since its creation it has grown rapidly into one of the largest reference wesites attracting nearly 500 million unique visitors monthly There are more than 77000 active contriutors working on more than 22000000 articles in different languages As of today there are 4396866 articles in English So if you are looking for some information why not try Wikipedia It’s free multilingualand informative 小题1According to the passage what is Wikipedia AA free wesite encyclopediaBA computer game CA free encyclopedia in ook formDAn online university 小题2From the passage we know that AWikipedia only charges users a small fee BWikipedia catches a wide audience Cincorrect editions might do great harm to Wikipedia Dit will take long to update the information on Wikipedia 小题3Where can we proaly read the passage AIn a story ookBIn a research report CIn a science magazineDIn a travel rochure