






猜灯谜的英文Guess riddles猜灯谜的缘由猜灯谜是中国独有的富有民族风格的一种传统民俗文娱活动形式是从古代就开始流传的元宵节特色活动 。每逢农历正月十五中国民间都要挂起彩灯燃放焰火后来有好事者把谜语写在纸条上贴在五光十色的彩灯上供人猜。灯谜举例 1、游泳比

猜灯谜英文怎么说 猜灯谜英文怎么说 展开


teapot 0

What egins with T ends with T and is full of T


1C Six of one half a dozen of other pr 半斤八两各有千秋 2D talk ig v 吹牛 3A 有了sunson的谐音的女孩不就成了妇女。 4A a white elephant n 沉重的负担 无用的累赘东西 5B I39m not quite myself是“今天感觉不舒服”的意思

1What039stheChineseforquotsixofoneandhalfadozenoftheotherquotA六分之一B人云亦云C半斤八两D见一面分一半2What039s“吹牛”inEnglishAtalkigcowBtalkighorseClowcowDtalkig 1What39s the Chinese for quotsix of one and half a dozen of the otherquot A六分之一 B人云亦云 C半斤八两 D见一面分一半 2What39s “吹牛”in English Atalk ig cow Btalk ig horse Clow cow Dtalk ig 3What three letters turn a girl into a women ASUN BDAB CEYE DEGA 4We don39t want itIt39s quota white elephantquotWhat is it A一件无用而累赘的东西 B一头白象 C白给的东西 D白色陷阱 5quotI39m not quite muselfquotmeans quotI39m ” Afeeling lue Bnot very well COK Dvery sorry 展开


stream actor cloud reporter rain

it is smaller than a river the person plays in films it is made from water vapour the person who reports the news it fall from the clouds


电脑屏幕吧 。monitor

It is a park of It likes TV


nsp 英语谜语带翻译 满意回答 1what man cannot live in a house 什么人不能住在房子里 Key snowman雪人 2What never asks questions ut gets a lot of answers 什么东西永远不问问题但是却能得到很多答案 Key dictionary 字典 3What question can you never answ


1C Six of one half a dozen of other pr 半斤八两各有千秋 2D talk ig v 吹牛 3A 有了sunson的谐音的女孩不就成了妇女。 4A a white elephant n 沉重的负担 无用的累赘东西 5B I39m not quite myself是“今天感觉不舒服”的意思

1What39s the Chinese for quotsix of one and half a dozen of the otherquot A六分之一 B人云亦云 C半斤八两 D见一面分一半 2What39s “吹牛”in English Atalk ig cow Btalk ig horse Clow cow Dtalk ig 3What three letters turn a girl into a women ASUN BDAB CEYE DEGA 4We don39t want itIt39s quota white elephantquotWhat is it A一件无用而累赘的东西 B一头白象 C白给的东西 D白色陷阱 5quotI39m not quite muselfquotmeans quotI39m ” Afeeling lue Bnot very well COK Dvery sorry



1Im freshgreen and My name egins with the letter as"cake"What am I 2Im sout to eatIm yellow and My name egins with the letter as"lunch"what am I 答要用英文猜单词



you cant catch his you cant see his shadowwhen strongit shakes the housewhen weakit shakes thewindow 谜底