





if you want to have a good vcations in Xinjiang,only one day actruly is not enough.while,you will have another chance to live much more times,you can have a won... if you want to have a good vcations in Xinjiang,only one day actruly is not enough.while,you will have another chance to live much more times,you can have a won... want to have a good vcations in Xinjiang,only one day actruly is not enough.while,you will have another chance to live much more times,you can have a wo...

through the desert是穿越沙漠的意思,所以你用的这个词就值得商榷.through the central of XinJiang,China.

1.Wulumuqi is building some greenhouses to grow vegetables in winday2.My mom told me that the flowers were watered by grangfather thistime yestday. 1.Wulumuqi is building some greenhouses to grow vegetables in winday2.My mom told me that the flowers were watered by grangfather thistime yestday.

Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region新疆维吾尔族自治区Xinjiang 新疆

Xinjiang, located in the northwest of China, is a vast and diverse region with a rich history and culture. It is home to many ethnic groups, including Uyghurs, ... Xinjiang, located in the northwest of China, is a vast and diverse region with a rich history and culture. It is home to many ethnic groups, including Uyghurs, ... located in the northwest of China, is a vast and diverse region with a rich history and culture. It is home to many ethnic groups, including Uyghurs, Ka...

I visited Xinjiang once the summer holidays started and stayed there for around half a month. The scenery there is breathtakingly beautiful, endless green field... I visited Xinjiang once the summer holidays started and stayed there for around half a month. The scenery there is breathtakingly beautiful, endless green field... Xinjiang once the summer holidays started and stayed there for around half a month. The scenery there is breathtakingly beautiful, endless green fields ...

新疆维吾尔自治区 英语:Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region 乌鲁木齐市 : urumqi 新疆就是译音

Tarim River Basin is the world's largest natural distribution area of the poplar.It is said that 90 percent of the world's Populus is in China,and 90 percent of... Tarim River Basin is the world's largest natural distribution area of the poplar.It is said that 90 percent of the world's Populus is in China,and 90 percent of... River Basin is the world's largest natural distribution area of the poplar.It is said that 90 percent of the world's Populus is in China,and 90 percent ...


The spring in XinJiang Province is from April to May, it is sunny and warm but very short. During this time, people often go on an outing.Then it comes summer f... The spring in XinJiang Province is from April to May, it is sunny and warm but very short. During this time, people often go on an outing.Then it comes summer f... spring in XinJiang Province is from April to May, it is sunny and warm but very short. During this time, people often go on an outing.Then it comes summ...


翻译为Prevention and control of the epidemic situation。


新冠疫情的英文是COVID19。例句1、不过“PetsatHome”指出新冠病毒疫情改变了这一切因为我们待在家里的时唯卖间更指御逗多了 。ButnspPetsnspatnspHomenspsaynspthensppandemicnsphasnspchangednspallnspthatnspasnspwens






严谨一点应该是新疆维吾尔自治区 英语Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region绝不会错





现在的翻译方式是 Xinjiang 。1949年以前的翻译是Sinkiang



新疆景点介绍Urumqi Urumqi capital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is located in an alluvial fanshaped asin on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains The city opens on to the Junggar Basin in the north In the Mongolian language Urumqi means quotBeautiful Meadowq



新疆最近状况怎么样治安怎么样我们大概过几天就去新疆了 之前听老师说她去新疆车外有一堆小孩围着她还抢她东西现在还有这种情况吗 各位好心人请解释的详细点我爸不放心我去啊担心治安不好还说什么去了新疆的九成回不来了但是我真的很想去啊 谢谢各位了


新疆景点介绍Urumqi Urumqi capital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is located in an alluvial fanshaped asin on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains The city opens on to the Junggar Basin in the north In the Mongolian language Urumqi means quotBeautiful Meadowq