






Her Majesty Queen Elizaeth II Ouxiu is classified as a very important art of zhejiang province。

Anniversary kattun


求Anniversary kattun的高清视频


quot I declare open the Games of London celerating the 30th Olympiad of the modern eraquot


英国是君主立宪国家首相是掌握实权的国家最高领导人没有总统。 英国首相布朗 戈登·布朗 Gordon Brown 1951年2月20日生于英国 苏格兰格拉斯哥市的一个牧师家庭全名詹姆斯·戈登·布朗是家中的第三个儿子。布朗在10多岁玩橄榄球时发生意外致使左眼失明直至今日发表演

ijnui ijnui 展开

拜登访华 怎么翻译

Biden39s visit

kate ushmoving 中文翻译

Moving stranger 感动一个陌生人Does it really matter 这真的成问题吗As long as you39re not afraid to feel 只要你能直面你心底的感觉Touch me hold me 触摸我 抓紧我How my open arms ache我张开的双臂是那样的疼痛 Try to fall for me 尝试着 属于我吧How I39m moved 我

拜托能否不用翻译软件帮我翻译一下这首歌谢谢Moving stranger Does it really matter As long as you39re not afraid to feel Touch me hold me How my open arms ache Try to fall for me How I39m moved How you move me With your eauty39s potency You give me life Please don39t let me go You crush the lily in my soulMoving liquidYes you are just as water You flow around all that comes in your way Don39t think it over It always takes you over And sets your spirit dancing How I39m moved How you move me With your eauty39s potency You give me life Please don39t let me go You crush the lily in my soul

The anner hanging over President George W Bush read united

正确答案C 解析根据题干关键词Bush"s pep talk定位到原文第一段第二句“共和党人清楚地知道他们并不团结”。从第一句可以得知布什的宣传口号是united to victory而共和党人对此并不认可因此选C。anything ut表示强烈的否定。A与原文内容相反共和党人并没有因为布什的讲话

The anner hanging over President George W Bush read united to victory But as Repulicans listened to Bush slog艰难行进 through his familiar pep talk鼓舞干气的讲话 last Thursday night the party faithfully knew they were anything ut united Over the last year they ejected a majority leader quarreled over morality and spending and openly criticized the president on Iraq port security and a Supreme Court pick For five years noody needed to explain the word "united" to Repulicans it was their iggest strength The president handed his agenda to Congress and the party leaders delivered the votes They twisted the arms of smallgovernment conservatives to pass education reforms and Medicare drug enefits They held their ranks together even as the Iraq occupation was losing supports in 2004 And they picked up seats in two election cycles But now that company has fallen apart Memers of Congress tired of eing taken for granted y a ossy White House have lost faith in the president"s political touch The stress is starting to show Repulicans are eginning to look and sound like their own caricature漫画 of the Democrats disorganized off message and unsure of their identity Fearful of defeat in Novemer GOP candidates are uncertain how to pull themselves together in the eight months left efore the elections The toughest question whether to run as they have in the past as Bush Repulicans or to push the president out of their campaigns "What I"ve tried to tell people is that a political storm is gathering and if we don"t do something to stop it we"ll e in the minority a year from now" says Rep Ray LaHood from Illinois "But some people still don"t get it" The president won"t have an easy time persuading Repulicans to stick with him Secondterm presidents often suffer a sixyear slump losing seats for their party at this point Bush has actually een lucky in one respect He held his party together longer than most twoterm presidents Johnson kept control for just eight months until he suffered defeat on the issue of home rule for the District of Columia in 1965 when Democrats took him on—and won Some candidates are happy to stand eside Bush as long as noody actually sees them together Locked in a tight race for reelection Sen Mike DeWine chose not to accompany Bush on one trip to his home state of Ohio last month A week later he attended a private fundraiser with the president in Cincinnati—out of sight of photographers and reporters While listening to Bush"s pep talk the Repulicans Awere inspired y the president to hold together Blost interest in the frequently heard content Cdisagreed with the president on his slogan Dfelt impatient with the slow speech




mourn 英 m596n 美 m596rn vi 哀痛 服丧 咕哝 vt 哀悼 表示深深的遗憾 悲哀地说 例句 我们同那些悼念死者的人共同悼念。 We mourn with those who mourn


ow ow to the ancestors 拜祖先 这个是俯首或欠身致敬如果是磕头的“拜”就要用kowtow
