





感谢邀请。佛系及哲学里均有提到一个概念“因果关系”,也就是说我们所面对的一切,所得到的一切,都是我们之前所种下的因的果,这句话读起来有点绕口。凡事都讲究因果关系... 那么,这种心理也会促使我们更加渴望去得到那些旁人说不可的人事物。比如,当自己的恋情遭到父母的反对的时候,许多情侣之间的感情也往往越是更上一层楼。这其实也是我们常... 首先,这不是因为得不到的东西就是最好的,也不代表着拥有的就不是好的。从心理学的角度上来看,这更多的是因为个体本身存在的好奇心以及逆反心理。 1.好奇心: 我们每个... ...

而我的书写,始终是老师的一个梗,堵在他心里。 后来,我上了师范大学,命运注定也要当老师,那时才幡然醒悟,理解了老师的良苦用心。可惜年龄已大,开始练字,收效甚微。 ... 后来,我上了师范大学,命运注定也要当老师,那时才幡然醒悟,理解了老师的良苦用心 。可惜年龄已大,开始练字,收效甚微 。 大学还没毕业时,我听说陈老师因病早逝。对老师... 可惜年龄已大,开始练字,收效甚微 。 大学还没毕业时,我听说陈老师因病早逝 。对老师满怀愧对,我想对他说声“对不起”,却再无机会。 难忘恩师,只愿逝者永安息! 一幅地图打开一扇窗户...


Ecological garden


〔林伯渠〕春节看花市迈街相约看花市却倚骑楼似画廊 。束立盆栽成队列草株木本斗芬芳 。通宵灯火人如织一派歌声喜欲狂。正是今年风景美千红万紫报春光。 卷帘体·依韵〔林伯渠〕春节看花市迈街相约看花市勃勃生机竞艳妆。百态千姿招顾客五颜六色耀华堂。迎风翠竹



Are fireworks set off in Chinatown at the Spring Festival set sth off 使 地雷、烟火等爆发引爆

in Chinatown at the Spring Festival


金秋时节瓜果飘香 英文Autumn season fruit fragrance fragrance


we will meet at the gate of xiangshan park at 830 on sunday


August the sixth of the lunar year


瓜果飘香 丰收在望 怎么翻译

The fragrance of fruits harvest in sight望采纳谢谢


This is the season of peach lossoms

Saturday June 16thIn the morning we went camping in Green Natural

小题1In Green Natural Park 小题2At one o’clock 小题3Because everything was wet 小题4For aout four hours 小题5Team spirit 试题分析这篇文章主要描述了作者和同伴的一次野营经历。虽然野营不成功但是我从野营中学会了最重要的东西合作精神。 小题1细节理解题

Saturday June 16th In the morning we went camping in Green Natural Park We were happy ecause it was a sunny day We were looking forward to a wonderful twoday holiday On the way we kept singing and making jokes However in the afternoon when we finished our picnic at one o’clock it was dark and windy Soon there was a shower阵雨 Unluckily none没有人 of us rought an umrella We ran aout ut we could find no place to hide Twenty minutes passed and it was still raining There were hours to go efore we reached the campsite 野营地 It was even worse that our small compass 指南针 showed that we went to the wrong way We lost our way We had to make a quick decision决定ecause it was raining heavily Chris said we could put up a tent to hide in so Mary and Tom helped to put up the tent Chris and I tried to make a fire to keep us warm But we weren’t ale to light点燃 the fire ecause everything was wet We dried ourselves chatted and waited inside the tent At aout five o’clock it stopped raining We decided to give up 放弃the camping trip ecause all of us were very tired This camping trip may not e successful 成功的 ut we know each other etter And the most important thing I’ve learned from this camping trip is team spirit合作精神 Answer the following questions with No More Than 4 Words 小题1 Where did they go camping 小题2 When did they finish their picnic 小题3 Why weren’t they ale to light点燃 the fire 小题4 How long did the rain last持续 小题5 What’s the most important thing that the writer has learned from the camping trip

我们这个周末打算去南山度假的翻译We are什么this weekend

可翻译为 we are going to Nanshan for holiday this weekend