





1.It shows they have the ability to view situations from different angles. 2.It requires speedy blood flow into one's brain. 3The year when most Americans began... 1.It shows they have the ability to view situations from different angles. 2.It requires speedy blood flow into one's brain. 3The year when most Americans began... 2.It requires speedy blood flow into one's brain. 3The year when most Americans began using smartphones was identified as a turning point in young Ame...

1.So how did we ever invent"unnatural" numbers in the first place? The answer is,literally,at your fingerships. 2.We also investigated the social side of the hi... 1.So how did we ever invent"unnatural" numbers in the first place? The answer is,literally,at your fingerships. 2.We also investigated the social side of the hi... The answer is,literally,at your fingerships. 2.We also investigated the social side of the high school transition. 3.Many employees are deeply frustrate...

由于每年的四六级考试试题和答案都是保密的,因此我们无法提供官方的四六级试卷及答案详解。但是,我们可以提供以下信息帮助你备考:1. 官方四六级考试的试题类型和题量:四六... 但是,我们可以提供以下信息帮助你备考:1. 官方四六级考试的试题类型和题量:四六级考试均为笔试,分为听力、阅读、写作和翻译四个部分。其中,听力和阅读各有两篇,每篇听力和... 其中,听力和阅读各有两篇,每篇听力和阅读文章后面都有几道题目需要回答。写作和翻译各有一篇,需要考生根据题目要求完成相应的作文和翻译任务。四六级考试的题量分别...

2019年12月英语六级考试题答案如下:听力部分:1. A) She is not sure when the meeting will start.2. D) He has taken a leave of absence from work.3. B) The man is wil... 62. The new policy will provide financial assistance to low-income families, enabling them to afford better housing.新政策将为低收入家庭提供财政援助,使他们能够... 63. The company's decision to cut jobs has caused widespread concern among its employees.公司裁员的决定在员工中引起了广泛的担忧。64. The success of the...

1.By using it in a legitimate way. 2.Moral or legal issues might arise. 3.Convincing someone to change their mind is really the process of convincing them to ch... 1.By using it in a legitimate way. 2.Moral or legal issues might arise. 3.Convincing someone to change their mind is really the process of convincing them to ch... 2.Moral or legal issues might arise. 3.Convincing someone to change their mind is really the process of convincing them to change their tribe. 4.Over-pr...

英语六级考试的官方答案一般会在考试结束后的一周内公布。考生可以上官方网站查看答案发布时间以及具体的答案内容。 英语六级考试的官方答案一般会在考试结束后的一周内公布。考生可以上官方网站查看答案发布时间以及具体的答案内容。

1.It makes use of the questionnaire methed. 2.Seek timely assiatance from the media. 3.Give training to science journalists. 4.Stimulate public interest in scie... 1.It makes use of the questionnaire methed. 2.Seek timely assiatance from the media. 3.Give training to science journalists. 4.Stimulate public interest in scie... 2.Seek timely assiatance from the media. 3.Give training to science journalists. 4.Stimulate public interest in science. 5.Have their individual genome ...

1.Tourists will have to pay a tax to visit Scotland. 2.Its ruling party is opposed to taxes and regulation. 3.Ease its financial burden of providing local servi... 1.Tourists will have to pay a tax to visit Scotland. 2.Its ruling party is opposed to taxes and regulation. 3.Ease its financial burden of providing local servi... 2.Its ruling party is opposed to taxes and regulation. 3.Ease its financial burden of providing local services. 4.They don't seem to care about the soci...

1.It linked a stone pit to some waterways. 2.Saws used for cutting stone. 3.To provide services for the stone pit. 4.He found the expensive medical tests unaffo... 1.It linked a stone pit to some waterways. 2.Saws used for cutting stone. 3.To provide services for the stone pit. 4.He found the expensive medical tests unaffo... 2.Saws used for cutting stone. 3.To provide services for the stone pit. 4.He found the expensive medical tests unaffordable. 5.They quarreled a lot and ...

1.She is a great athlete. 2.How technology has helped athletes to scale new heights. 3.Our scientific knowledge. 4.It may give an unfair advantage to some athl... 1.She is a great athlete. 2.How technology has helped athletes to scale new heights. 3.Our scientific knowledge. 4.It may give an unfair advantage to some athl... 2.How technology has helped athletes to scale new heights. 3.Our scientific knowledge. 4.It may give an unfair advantage to some athletes. 5.Flexibility...


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英语六级考试改革了 nspnspnspnspnspnsp1nsp取消短对话2nsp取消短文听写3nsp听力篇章调整为2篇原来3篇每篇设置34个小题共7题每小题1分文章长度不变4nsp新增讲座讲话3篇每篇设置34个小题共10题每小题2分文章长度约350450词


我英语4级才考470 通努力六级比四级考要我给用希望能考 能点跑题问听力嘛呵呵 写作要看底 我底听力阅读才四级六级作文给捷径十真题范文都背背两三篇觉自进步背诵才英语捷径考前看看模板OK 听力比较难要坚持十真题听力都精听所谓精要每句都明白先像考试练遍答案再听看看



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第一题我认为选A 。ensue和follow都既是及物动词又是不及物动词。 通过词义比较下 ensuevi 跟着发生接着发生继起 vt 追求 followvt 跟随遵循追求密切注意vi 跟随接着 n 跟随追随 第二题选A 。consumption n 消费消耗肺痨 expenditure n 支出花费经费消费额 选项B通常指金

What has happened in the year that the disaster on the Gulf Coast Aensued Bfollowed Over the past ten years natural gas production has remained steadyut has risen steadily Aconsumption Bexpenditure 希望也解释一下错误 What has happened in the year that the disaster on the Gulf Coast Aensued Bfollowed Over the past ten years natural gas production has remained steadyut has risen steadily Aconsumption Bexpenditure 希望也解释一下错误选项的原因 展开


同时多对比答案的翻译把答案中翻译的一些多句子或句式进行总结多分析答案是怎样分析的。要练习不同类型的翻译经济 、农业、教育等。 如果从现在开始认真准备应对6月的考试是肯定没问题。以上方法只是小编的一些经验大家也根据自己的情况进行调整毕竟找出适合自己的方