





famous aphorism或well-known saying and aphorism希望对您有所帮助!

Famous Remarks 名人名言 famous quotations 名人名言 这两个都是可以表示的

Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. 生活没有目标犹如航海没有罗盘。 Everything ought to be beautiful in a human being:face,dress,soul and id... Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. 生活没有目标犹如航海没有罗盘。 Everything ought to be beautiful in a human being:face,dress,soul and id... 生活没有目标犹如航海没有罗盘。 Everything ought to be beautiful in a human being:face,dress,soul and idea. 人的一切都应当是美丽的:容貌,衣着,心灵和思想。...

1.Action speak louder than words.行动胜于言行。 2.Where there is a will,there is a way.有志者事竟成 3.An idie youth,a needy age.少... 1.Action speak louder than words.行动胜于言行。 2.Where there is a will,there is a way.有志者事竟成 3.An idie youth,a needy age.少... 2.Where there is a will,there is a way.有志者事竟成 3.An idie youth,a needy age.少壮不努力,老大头伤悲。 4.Fortune knocks once at ... 3.An idie youth,a needy age.少壮不努力,老大头...

1,To be or not to be,that's a question. 生存还是毁灭,这是个问题。——莎士比亚 2,Heros come and go,but legends are forever. 英雄是一时的,但传奇是一世的。——... 1,To be or not to be,that's a question. 生存还是毁灭,这是个问题。——莎士比亚 2,Heros come and go,but legends are forever. 英雄是一时的,但传奇是一世的。——... ——莎士比亚 2,Heros come and go,but legends are forever. 英雄是一时的,但传奇是一世的。——科比 3, The night is long that never finds the day. 黑夜无论怎样悠......

1 、Goals determine what you’re going to be .人生的奋斗目标决定你将来成为怎样的人。 2、 An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding.生活的目标是唯一值得寻... 1、Goals determine what you’re going to be .人生的奋斗目标决定你将来成为怎样的人。 2、 An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding.生活的目标是唯一值得寻... 2、 An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding.生活的目标是唯一值得寻找的`财富。 3、Where there is life there is hope.生命满希望,前路由我创。 4、Try...

4) There is an English proverb which says that “Easily come easily go”. 有一个英语谚语说“来得容易,去得也容易。” 5) There is an old saying, “Practice makes... ” 5) There is an old saying, “Practice makes progress.” It is the experience of our forefathers, however, it is correct in many cases even today. 古语道:“...

1、不到没有退路之时,你永远不会知道自己有多强大。Youneverknowhowstrongyoureallyareuntilbeingstrongistheonlychoiceyouhave。 2、你不去面对又怎么能去改变呢。Yo... 1、不到没有退路之时,你永远不会知道自己有多强大。Youneverknowhowstrongyoureallyareuntilbeingstrongistheonlychoiceyouhave。 2、你不去面对又怎么能去改变呢。Yo... Youneverknowhowstrongyoureallyareuntilbeingstrongistheonlychoiceyouhave。 2、你不去面对又怎么能去改变呢 。Youcannotchangewhatyourefusetoconfront。 3、无... 2...

like father,like son! like father,like son!

famous aphorismwell-known saying and aphorism


The fox may grow grey ut never good 狐狸活到老永远难变好 Without entering the tiger92s lair how can one catch the tiger92s cu 不入虎穴焉得虎子 Dread is produced y a powerlessness 畏惧是软弱的表现。 A hero only appears once the tiger is dead 老虎死了英雄才


1 、Wasting time is roing oneself 浪费时间就是掠夺自己 。2、Bad times make a good man 艰难困苦出能人。3、Cease to struggle and you cease to live 生命不止奋斗不息。以及4、He that makes a thing too fine reaks it 做事过于苛求反把事情弄坏。5、The est hearts are alw


英语格言警句如下1、Do nothing y halves凡事不可半途而废。2、A fair face may hide a foul heart人不可貌相。3、Don39t make a mountain out of a molehill不要小题大做。4、Rome was not uilt in a day冰冻三尺非一日之寒。5、The man with a new idea is a crank until the idea


Look efore you leap First think then act 三思行 It is never too late to mend 亡羊补牢犹未晚 Light come light go 容易快



Where there is a will there is a way 有志者事竟成。 Well egun is half done 好的开端是成功的一半。 East west home is est 金窝、银窝不如自己的草窝。 There is no royal road to learning 学无坦途。 Look efore you leap First think then act 三思而后行 。 It is never too late to me


1 、先一步失败早一步成功First step fails early step to success2 、没有失败只有停止成功。There is no failure only to stop success3、表达能力不只是你的口才。Power of expression is not only your eloquence4、浑浑噩噩的人生不值得过。The unexamined life is not worth living5 、



给你100条。谢谢采纳1 Never say die永不言败。2Never too old to learn never too late to turn亡羊补牢为时未晚。 3New wine in old ottles旧瓶装新酒。 4No cross no crown不经历风雨怎么见彩虹。5No garden without its weeds没有不长草的园子。6No living man all things can



英语名言警句带翻译25句 1 、Experienceiswhatyougetwhenyoudontgetwhatyouwant 经验是当你没得到想得到之物时所得到的东西。 2、WhenworkisapleasurelifeisjoyWhenworkisdutylifeisslavery 工作是一种乐趣时生活是一种享受工作是一种义务时生活则是一种苦役 。 3 、Themore


English nahiralist要征服自然只能遵从自然。——查尔断达尔交5、Never does nature say one thing and wisdom another—Juvenal Roman poet自然与智慧永不相悖。——朱韦纳尔6、protecting the environment is every man39s responsiility保护地球环境是每一个人的责任。——

很急1好心人帮帮忙 很急1 好心人帮帮忙 展开


At twenty years of age the will reigns at thirty the wit and at forty the judgment Benjamin Franklin American president 二十岁时起支配作用的是意志三十岁时是机智四十岁时是判断。美国总统 富兰克林 B Do you love life Then do not squander time for that39s the stuff5 lif
