





Cheetah is a carnivorous cat and the only species under cheetah. It is divided into five subspecies and one variant species. The largest is North African subspe... Cheetah is a carnivorous cat and the only species under cheetah. It is divided into five subspecies and one variant species. The largest is North African subspe... It is divided into five subspecies and one variant species. The largest is North African subspecies, with adult males weighing 29-71 kg, with an average...

LeopardMy favorite animal is leopard.Look!This is a Leopard.His name is Tuantuan.He is 8 years old.He is from China.He is big,beautiful and strong .He is good a... This is a Leopard.His name is Tuantuan.He is 8 years old.He is from China.He is big,beautiful and strong .He is good at running.He runs faster than some other a...

The leopard,saying Panthera pardus,is a member of the Felidae family and the smallest of the four "big cats" in the genus Panthera,the other 3 being the tiger,l... The leopard,saying Panthera pardus,is a member of the Felidae family and the smallest of the four "big cats" in the genus Panthera,the other 3 being the tiger,l...

SNOW LEOPARDAble to leap 50 feet horizontally! Able to jump 20 feet vertically! It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's a snow leopard! This species, like the cloud... Able to jump 20 feet vertically! It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's a snow leopard! This species, like the clouded leopard, is one of those that is some...

豹子的英语单词为:leopard,读音:[萳epYd]。 牛的英语单词为:cattle,读音:[萲鎡l]。 1、leopard英 [萳epYd] 美 [萳epYrd] n.豹;美洲豹,金钱豹,花豹。 A leopard... 豹子的英语单词为:leopard,读音:[萳epYd]。 牛的英语单词为:cattle,读音:[萲鎡l]。 1、leopard英 [萳epYd] 美 [萳epYrd] n.豹;美洲豹,金钱豹,花豹。 A leopard...

有五种说法。 1、panther:黑豹。 2 、puma:美洲豹。 3 、cougar:美洲狮。 4、leopard:豹。 5、jaguar:美洲虎。 花豹(学名:Panthera pardus):是哺乳纲 、猫科、豹属的... 视、听 、嗅觉均很发达 。头小尾长,四肢短健,前足5趾,后足4趾,爪灰白色,能伸缩 。毛被黄色,满布黑色环斑;头部的斑点小而密,背部的斑点密而较大,斑点呈圆形或椭圆形的... 食物缺乏时,也于夜晚潜入村屯盗食家禽家畜。 分布非常广泛,跨越亚洲、非洲的许多地区,从喜马拉雅山脉到撒哈拉大沙漠都有存在。 捕食各种有蹄类动物,也捕食猴、兔、鼠类、鸟类和鱼类...

关于Leopard的习语有“leopard can't/doesn't change its spots” 类似汉语里面的江山易改,本性难移. 狗改不了夜深人静的时候吠叫的习性. 关于Leopard的习语有“leopard can't/doesn't change its spots”类似汉语里面的江山易改,本性难移.狗改不了夜深人静的时候吠叫的习性.

豹子的英语:leopard,发音: ['lepəd] 扩展资料: 词性:n. 豹;美洲豹;豹子。 短语: snow leopard 雪豹 clouded leopard 云豹 leopard cat 豹猫 leopard blenny 豹鳚 Indi... 豹子的英语:leopard,发音: ['lepəd] 扩展资料: 词性:n. 豹;美洲豹;豹子。 短语: snow leopard 雪豹 clouded leopard 云豹 leopard cat 豹猫 leopard blenny 豹鳚 Indi...

别名 金钱豹、豹子、文豹 学名 Panthera pardus 英文名 leopard 猫科 Felidae 豹琛,你要选我的做答案啊~



Cheehtas run the fastest in the worldAnd theyre so eautiful that people kill them for their Sotheyre dying nowwe should protect thema kind of eautiful animals

不要太高的水平 只要五年级的水平


猎豹学名Acinonyx juatus又称印度豹是猫科动物的一种也是猎豹属下唯一的物种现在主要分布在非洲与西亚。同其它猫科动物不同猎豹依靠速度来捕猎而非偷袭或群体攻击。猎豹是陆上奔跑最快的动物全速奔驰的猎豹时速可以超过110公里相当于百米世界冠军的三倍快。猎豹


英语作文 我曾经去参观豹突泉

Last sunday I and my father mother grandparents rother went to Baotuquan y us In the morning we came down the mountain I saw wooded mountains wild flowers loom We clim up the hill along the mountain path Come halfway up the mountain I feel a little tiredit egan to rainMy


Tiger is one of the most valueale animals to human eings today It is somehow like a cat ut much igger than it It lives in the forest and feeds on small animals Nowadays the numer of the wild tiger is ecoming small and small Maye there will e no tiger any more if people continu

老虎生活在亚洲。距今已有2000年的历史它们生活在野外。吃小动物为生 。人们捕杀老虎。取他们的毛皮和骨头 。老虎即将灭绝。人们建立自然保护区 。老虎安全啦。


个人意见看你是什么作文我的区分度就是一般的考试作文和专业用文这就是指那些比较正式的那种这你的观点肯定是要求比较高了但是如果是一般考试作文 直接给他来个虎头 豹身凤尾就OK 你如果开头和结尾都写的不错遣词之类的都还蛮好的话中间的没什么大错误就已经跨过了

请帮我评论下此作文能得几分关于大学生开博客的讨论1条理清楚2语句基本无语法错误有几处亮点3文章结构安排合理4 但是观点不够切题 。我的观点是优点博客能够丰富大学生活加强同学之间交流能遇到新旧朋友。能打发空闲时间。缺点浪费时间影响学习。考完交卷后我觉得以上这些优缺点可以套用在所有事情上不仅仅是博客总之一句话我的观点不好。请问这样的作文会太差吗按100分算我能得多少分非常着急在线等


A monkey sits on my shoulder visual distance keep cool enormously proud of one39s success This scene in the past only in circus performancesseen Can the monkey circus tremling with fear e always on tenterhooks staring at the monkey people whip far from sitting on my shou





Pandas are our national animals They are very fat But they are really cute They are lack and white with very thick furs They like eating amoos There are lots of pandas in Sichuan Its amazing that ay panda is really tiny without any fur ut when its grown up it turned out to e very hu

随便介绍一种动物 初一 作文 要求 60词 左右 谢谢了 会加分得 要求原创 复制得就闪吧


自从暑假那天起我的生活中又增添了一位新人物——“黑豹”。 我的“黑豹”虽然是一只小狼狗但却是我的忠实粉丝。每次出家门“黑豹”都会跟着我对我不离不弃日子久了也就成了我的保安。 “保安”这个职位给它真不错。每当看到陌生人都会冲到我前面对着陌生人叫。虽然


Tiger A tiger is a kind of catamount animal It looks like a cat ut much igger than a cat A tiger is very ferocious and it eats mainly meat It has yellow and lack streaks all over its ody and it looks very eautiful Its tail is long and strong and it can hit its quarry dying Tigers live in the thick fo
