





I like your lovely and quiet simple,if you like I will use the rest of my life waiting for you.

Girl:'Will you always love me in the remainder of my life?'Boy:'No...I will love you in the remainder of my life.' Girl:'Will you always love me in the remainder of my life?'Boy:'No...I will love you in the remainder of my life.'

In the days to come, with you. 或 Have you for the rest of your life In the days to come, with you. 或 Have you for the rest of your life

她独自一人度过了余生 She spent the rest of her life alone. 她独自一人度过了余生 She spent the rest of her life alone. 她独自一人度过了余生 She spent the rest of her life alone. 她独自一人度过了余生 She spent the rest of her life alone.

英文是:For the rest of my life,该句子没有缩写形式。 重点词汇:rest 英[rest] 释义: v.(使)休息;(使)运动员暂时离队;(使)倚靠;被搁置;(遗体或尸体)安... 英文是:For the rest of my life,该句子没有缩写形式。 重点词汇:rest 英[rest] 释义: v.(使)休息;(使)运动员暂时离队;(使)倚靠;被搁置;(遗体或尸体)安... 重点词汇:rest 英[rest] 释义: v.(使)休息;(使)运动员暂时离队;(使)倚靠;被搁置;(遗体或尸体)安葬于;让(土地)休耕;(原告或被告)完成向法庭提出证据... 英[rest] 释义: v.(使)休息;(使)运动员暂时离队;(使)...

余生: 1、Rest of his life 2、the rest of one's life 3、The rest of 4、one's remaining years 短语 1、苦海余生 Voyage of the Damned 2、劫后余生 Treme ; Aftermath... 余生: 1、Rest of his life 2 、the rest of one's life 3、The rest of 4、one's remaining years 短语 1、苦海余生 Voyage of the Damned 2、劫后余生 Treme ; Aftermath... 我寻找爱,首先是因为它使人心醉神迷,这种陶醉是如此的美妙,使我愿意牺牲所有的余生去换取几个小时这样的欣喜。 3、I have sought love, first, because it brings ...

英文;My greatest wish is to meet with you in the Aegean sea \r\n希腊文;Μεγαλύτερη επιθυμία είναι η ζωή μου μαζί σου συν... 英文;My greatest wish is to meet with you in the Aegean sea \r\n希腊文;Μεγαλύτερη επιθυμία είναι η ζωή μου μαζί σου συν... greatest wish is to meet with you in the Aegean sea \r\n希腊文;Μεγαλύτερη επιθυμία είναι η ζωή μου μαζί σου συνα...

1. YOLO2. 因为YOLO是You Only Live Once的缩写,意为“你只活一次”,强调珍惜生命、追求自我实现和享受生活 。3. YOLO这个词汇在年轻人中非常流行,也被广泛应用于社交媒... 1. YOLO2. 因为YOLO是You Only Live Once的缩写,意为“你只活一次”,强调珍惜生命、追求自我实现和享受生活。3. YOLO这个词汇在年轻人中非常流行,也被广泛应用于社交媒... 3. YOLO这个词汇在年轻人中非常流行,也被广泛应用于社交媒体和音乐文化中。它不仅仅是一个简单的缩写,更是一种生活态度和哲学。 YU SHENG SUO AI 缩写 YSSA

it will be even foggier tomorrow morningshe spent the rest of her life by herselfit kept on raining from morning till night it will be even foggier tomorrow morningshe spent the rest of her life by herselfit kept on raining from morning till night

The rest of my life together


you are my only love



I only love you望采纳


i will always love youi will love you throughout my lifei will love you forever放手吧 做人不要那么卑微每个人都会经过这段伤的现在的你不相信自己可以淡化但真的可以淡化后一切都风轻云淡 我也是这样走过来的不要让自己沉浸在伤感里



I only love you for this life


I only love you through my life


I love you all my life

此生只爱你一人 用英语怎么说 谢谢急求

only love you in my life


I could love a person


My love is just for you
