





哦~ hearts together,dreams come ture all the people of one mind Unity of will is an impregnable stronghold millions of people united as one man,our wills unite ... 哦~ hearts together,dreams come ture all the people of one mind Unity of will is an impregnable stronghold millions of people united as one man,our wills unite ... hearts together,dreams come ture all the people of one mind Unity of will is an impregnable stronghold millions of people united as one man,our wills un...

我的绝对很好 参考了很多 Many a tough will makes the Great Wall to fight the thundering quake and save the suffering folk. Unity is strength, earthquake relief work 我把这个口号blend一下 参考你们的译法 Unite Our Strength to Fight against Earthquake and Make Relief Efforts Unite as one to dedicate ourselves to the disaster relief.

众志成城 Our wills unite like a fortress. A common will is strong as the (city)bulwarks.; A united people is like a city defense.; Collective purposes form a fo... 众志成城Our wills unite like a fortress.A common will is strong as the (city)bulwarks.;A united people is like a city defense.;Collective purposes form a fo... Our wills unite like a fortress.A common will is strong as the (city)bulwarks.;A united people is like a city defense.;Collective purposes form a f...

Earthquake Disaster Relief Rescue operation and disaster relief disaster relief operation 这是抗震救灾 WORK IN UNION FIGHT QUAKE & PROVIDE DISASTER RELIEF Unite... Earthquake Disaster Relief Rescue operation and disaster relief disaster relief operation 这是抗震救灾WORK IN UNION FIGHT QUAKE & PROVIDE DISASTER RELIEFUnite... Disaster Relief Rescue operation and disaster relief disaster relief operation 这是抗震救灾WORK IN UNION FIGHT QUAKE & PROVIDE DISASTER RELIEFUnite as...

说“we are one”表明每个人都在践行同一个目标,所有的个体都是团队中不可或缺的一部分,只有众志成城才能取得胜利。 we are one的意思:我们是一体;我们在一起 one 读法 英 [wʌn] 美 [wʌn] 短语: 1、one by one 一个接一个 2、make one 参加;使成为一体 3、one and only 唯一的 示... one 读法 英 [wʌn] 美 [wʌn] 短语: 1、one by one 一个接一个 2、make one 参加;使成为一体 3、one and only 唯一的 示例: Right, we are one people, no one can ...

感谢您的阅读! 在我看过的电影当中属《天若有情》这部电影一秒也舍不得快进 。 《天若有情》是由陈木胜执导,杜琪峰监制,刘德华、吴倩莲、 吴孟达主演的爱情电影。 电影讲... 4、《无人区》 豆瓣:8.2 影片点评:前半个小时情节推进 、笑点、节奏都特别好,可谓精彩绝伦,之后就掉得厉害,一度跳戏,一个逻辑缜密的片子竟然反被逻辑!“因为金钱给... 此外,片中虽然英雄主义色彩非常明显,但又没那么夸张直白。必须强烈五星推荐! 2《变脸》 豆瓣:8.5 影片点评:吴宇森游走好莱坞的颠覆之作当属《变脸》无疑,悬疑众生,... 必须强...

In today's increasingly fierce competition,the enterprise survival and development of enterprise depends on the ability of the collective competitive team.There... In today's increasingly fierce competition,the enterprise survival and development of enterprise depends on the ability of the collective competitive team.There... increasingly fierce competition,the enterprise survival and development of enterprise depends on the ability of the collective competitive team.Therefor...

Merciless earthquake,the world is love This is how sad!Earthquake,of course,is terrible,but they have - firefighters,the people's own army,doctors and others fo... Earthquake,of course,is terrible,but they have - firefighters,the people's own army,doctors and others for earthquake relief to the people of the earthquake,and... » After the earthquake,there have become ruins.The original buildings,has been moved to the ground.But in this disaster,truly reflect the world of love...

just do it. 跟着感觉走。(耐克运动鞋) NIKE公司总部位于美国俄勒冈州波特兰市。公司生产的体育用品包罗万象,例如服装、鞋类、运动器材等。 NIKE是全球著名的体育运动品牌... just do it. 跟着感觉走。(耐克运动鞋) NIKE公司总部位于美国俄勒冈州波特兰市。公司生产的体育用品包罗万象,例如服装、鞋类、运动器材等。 NIKE是全球著名的体育运动品牌... (耐克运动鞋) NIKE公司总部位于美国俄勒冈州波特兰市。公司生产的体育用品包罗万象,例如服装、鞋类、运动器材等 。 NIKE是全球著名的体育运动品牌,英文原意指希腊胜...

Li Ruiying [next] snow,the next snow,snow the next, From March 9 to腊月after has been under 28. [Comfort] from north to south,day or night,vertical Qingxi, Icic... And the New Year with us! Let us each other warm,tightly dependent! [Jiang] natural disasters will eventually past,the sons and daughters of China in the snow, ... Let us each other warm,tightly dependent! [Jiang] natural disasters will eventually past,the sons and daughters of China in the snow, Proudly stand! [Pu...


成语众志成城 拼音zhòng zhì chéng chéng 解释万众一心象坚固的城墙一样不可摧毁。比喻团结一致力量无比强大 。 出 指万众一心 英文unity is strength 日文団结だんけつすれば城しろのように强固きょうこである 法文la détermination de to


众志成城 拼音 zhòng zhì chéng chéng解释 万众一心象坚固的城墙一样不可摧毁。比喻团结一致力量无比强大。出处 国 指万众一心英文 unity is strength故事 春秋末年周景王突然废止小钱而造大钱搜刮百姓的财产他把从民间搜刮来的铜铸成大钟大臣


“众志成城都含有“团结一致”的意思。” 辨形 城还含有“力量无比强大 英译 Unionisstrength、定语 2 形容齐心协力 众志成城的成语 指万众一心 英文unity is strength 日文団结だんけつすれば城しろのように强固きょうこである 法文la détermination de


大爱无疆The grand love is limitless 众志成城Our wills unite like a fortress


众志成城 zhòng zhì chéng chéng 解释万众一心象坚固的城墙一样不可摧毁。比喻团结一致力量无比强大。 出处国语1253 含褒义 英文unity is strength 故事春秋末年周景王突然废止小钱而造大钱搜刮百姓的财产他把从民间搜刮来的铜铸成大钟大臣都反对


Unity is strength 正确的翻译

众志成城的英语说法求高手帮忙要真确的 我明天考试要用


On May12th2008a terrile earthquake took place in SichuanMost houses fell downThousands of people were killed or injured and the whole cities were destroyedVery soonpolice doctors and volunteers went there to save and help people in trouleAll of Chinese people and many forei


On May12th2008a terrile earthquake took place in SichuanMost houses fell downThousands of people were killed or injured and the whole cities were destroyedVery soonpolice doctors and volunteers went there to save and help people in trouleAll of Chinese people and many forei


成语众志成城拼音zhòng zhì chéng chéng解释万众一心象坚固的城墙一样不可摧毁。比喻团结一致力量无比强大。出处 指万众一心英文unity is strength日文団结だんけつすれば城しろのように强固きょうこである法文la détermination de tou


众志成城zhòng zhì chéng chéng 解释万众一心象坚固的城墙一样不可摧毁。比喻团结一致力量无比强大。 众志成城造句 1、即使是偶尔要对卢旺达的农村人施压来让他们站在政府的阵线上我们也能明显地感觉到大家团结一致与众志成城的决心。 2、在地震的时候全世界的