





谁有 有关英语 的 长篇文章

7、When doing any taskhave the innocence of a child the endurance of a cameland the courage of a lion 做事要有赤子之心、 骆驼的耐力、狮子的勇猛。 8、If we can reduce desires there is nothing really worth getting upset aout 人生若能减低欲望 生活上便没有什么值得计较 9、M

谁有那个 英语 的 名言 或者 歌词也行 只要全是 英文就行了


For 20yearold Shen Hsinling a computer is more than just a tool or a toy 对20岁的Shen Hsinling而言一台电脑不只是一个工具或一个玩具 Computers are the medium that connects her with those who need assistance 电脑是连结他和那些需要帮助的人的媒介 At the age of 11 Hsinling

两篇带翻译的英语文章 两篇带翻译的英语文章 展开


雾 里 我仿佛走在雾里。 我知道在我周遭是一个无边无际辽阔深远的世界可是我总是没有办法看到它的全貌除了就在我眼前的小小角落以外其它的就都只能隐约感觉出一些模糊的轮廓了。 我有点害怕也有点迟疑但是也实实在在地觉得欢喜因为我知道我正在逐渐往前走去。 因为

要那种长篇的不是短文或诗歌我记得有一篇比较忧伤的但是记不起题目了是长篇散文不是诗歌比较忧伤的那篇好像是写乡愁内容的 要那种长篇的不是短文或诗歌我记得有一篇比较忧伤的但是记不起题目了 是长篇散文不是诗歌 比较忧伤的那篇好像是写乡愁内容的 展开


你只有拼命读了不要指望那些乱七八糟的保健品什么的那全是忽悠人的 根据我的经验你最好在睡觉前半小时内拼命读因为人在睡觉的时候也是在记忆的时候 然后再早起一点醒来后半个小时内再拼命读这是大脑最活跃的时候 通常这样以后我就差不多可以背下来了

关于茅盾的文章 代表长篇小说

长篇小说 子夜、蚀三部曲 、腐蚀、虹 、锻炼 、霜叶红似二月花 、霜叶红似二月花续稿  、多角关系 短篇小说 报施、创造、春蚕、 大鼻子的故事 、林家铺子、色盲、诗与散文 、石碣 、手的故事


猜这是一份社区教育委员会的会议记录。 “不要让他们关闭你的学校” 会议记录——会议于3月14日星期三 2000晚上八时在Malupit社区学校举行 。 发起人为Pomat先生一位在Malupit经营的店主议程是就当地政府计划在本学年底关闭Malupit社区学校探讨社区的意见。 Poma

Don’t Let Them Close Your School Minutes of the meeting held in Malupit Community School on Wednesday 14th March at 800pm Mr IPomat a Malupit shop owner called the meeting to find out the views of the community on local government plans to close the Malupit Community School at the end of the present school year Mr Pomat acted as chairman of the meeting He introduced Mr LKarazin the Planning Office of the Raval Education DepartmentMr Karazin pointed out that there were now only fiftythree children at Malupit Community SchoolThis was considered to e too high a numer for the forming of two classes and the employment of two teachersMrs Luvako who had taught at the school for the past twentytwo years would e retiring from the teaching service in JulyThe Planning Office wished to take this opportunity to close the school ecause it is expensive to run and to move the children to two igger schools in Raval six miles away Mrs Jarvis the mother of an eightyearold oy at Malupit asked what would happen aout transport o RavelMr Karazin replied that the children would travel y usThis would e provided y the Raval Transport Department and it would take Malupit children to and from school free of charge Another parent Mr WRiley expressed the fear of many parents that closing the local school would mean that the children of Malupit would not grow up with the same sense of community as in the pastThey would feel lost in the much larger schools in Raval Mr Karazin replied that the Raval schools were not very large and that in any case the children would have to go to Raval later on for education at highschool level The chairman voiced the view of the meeting when he said hat there was good reason to elieve that there would soon e more young children living in MalupitIt would e foolish he said to close the school and then to find that there were more than enough local children to form two classes and employ two teachers A final point was made y Mr Colmar a retired usiness man that without Malupit Community School there would e nowhere ig enough for local clus and organizations to hold their meetings Mr Karazin promised that the would ring these points to the attention of the Education Department Mr Pomat rought the meeting to a close shortly after 9 o’clock






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