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求翻译257256 急

会是什么天气有些人说他们可以找到。他们看鸟。当他们看到一个鸟飞得高出大海他们说这将是一个美好的一天。因为鸟儿不喜欢飞到海的时候可能会下雨。当天气很恶劣海鸟回来呆在岸上。大的风可以来雨。鸟儿不喜欢在风中飞行。他们坐在一棵树时雨的方法是。 有些人

What will the weather e some people say they can find out They look at irds When they see a ird fly high out to the sea they say it will e a nice day For irds do not like to fly out to the sea when it could rain When the weather will e ad sea irds turn ack and stay on shore A ig wind can come with a rain Birds do not like to fly in a ig wind They may sit in a tree when rain is on the way Some peopie look at different animals on a farm A chicken may make a ig noise when rain is on the way If may run here and there a frog can show the weather tooA tree frog will make a ig noise when rain is on the way It will stay in the water On a nice day it will not make a ig noise It will come up high out of the water Every day you meet strangers Some of the strangers are ad How to face strangers How to protect youself Here are some advices The stranger says quotHeres some candies and a new toy come on Lets take a ride in my car quot SAY NO THE stranger says quotYou r father and mother asked me to pick you up quot SAY NO Run away and get help Dont trust him Te stranger follows you and tries to catch hold of you Say NO ShoutquotHelp quot Run to a well lit 亮的place There are people in such a place and they can help you If you are at home aloneaways keep the door locked If someone wants to come in and you dont know him SAY NOThe stranger may make up a story to get you to open the door Do rememer neer to open the door to a stranger



La5A1067兆欧表俗称 。A 摇表B 欧姆表C 绝缘电阻表D 万用表。



La1A3076电容器充电后移去直流电源把电流表接到电容器两端则指针 。A 会偏转B 小会偏转C 来回摆动D 停止不动。


ASHRAE是American Society of Heating Refrigerating and AirConditioning Engineers Inc 的简称中文译为美国采暖  、制冷与空调工程师学会。 ASHRAE5276是关于空气过滤方面的标准具体内容我没有资料。


病情分析您好看这些肿瘤标志物老人家有可能患有肿瘤这个需要结合其他检查才能确诊有无肿瘤的 指导意见可以先查个腹部B超肠镜看看肠腔有无肿物胸部平片看看胸部有无肿物



阿迪鞋上有S75256代表货号也可以叫型号。 一个货号代表一款产品。 辨别真假可以确认具体的鞋标图。 鞋标主要看 1尺码栏有US UK FR JP CHN这5种尺码老标只有4种 2尺码栏各字母间的间隔均匀 3尺码栏数字部分分数12、13的分数线紧靠数字且12的分数线比13的短 4

铝塑板AAMA 260505这个标准哪里可以测试啊

SGS材料实验室可以提供相关服务 86791 8833 9575 周生

155 76a什么意思

身高155cm 胸围76A 又矮胸又小

155 76a什么意思
