





Do you like math



what time do you have your math lesson

你什么时间上你的数学课呢 have math lesson上数学课

whattimedoyouhaveyourmathlesson what time do you have your math lesson 展开

Do you have any ideas to tell me how to improve my math result

Selfconfidence is necessary if you want to improve your math But to achieve your goal you need not only confidence ut also plenty exercises and certain skills

Believe yourself you can solve my question

DO you know how to s什么 the maths prolem


I lost my interest in mathWhat should I do

good at Mathyou can firstly look for courage in some aspects where you do a good joIn one wordstruggle till the endAnd develop your advantageFor instanceI love spanishnowI choose spanish as my major in collegeso I have no chance to confront Math anymore Te deseo uena suert

What should he do to learn math well


how does interior designer related to math


Do you have any ideas to tell me how to improve my math skills

1做题。不要贪多真真正正地掌握每一道题尤其是课本上的例题搞透彻积累积累绝对能提高你的基础。不要眼高手低很多大型考试的百分之六十左右都是简单的题。拿到拿不到这些基础分就看你平时的练习了。 2多想多总结。每一道题涉及的任何公式定理之类的都要清楚然后总结

Believe yourself you can solve my question

why do you like math

why do you like math Because I ‘m interested in mathematics

whydoyoulikemath用interesting作答————interesting why do you like math用interesting作答—— —— interesting 展开

A person who wishes to major in math should have a in math

strong interest

根据汉语提示完成句子。 A person who wishes to major in math should have a in math 一个希望钻研数学的人应该对数学有很强烈的兴趣。
